
Alberto V. Lisdero
Some personal informations
Alberto Valerio Lisdero.
Escuela Argentina Modelo (1958).
Colegio Nacional de Buenos Aires (1964).
Graduated from the Universidad de Buenos Aires in 1971 with a Procurador degree [Professional empowered to represent client in Court] and as a lawyer.
Date of Birth: 1946-11-16.
Languages: Spanish (mother language), Italian (mother language), English (upper – intermediate), French (basic).
Dr. Alberto V. Lisdero founded Estudio Lisdero Law Firm and focuses his practice on planning national and international investments and providing complete counseling.
Most relevant positions
Member of the Argentina Banks Attorneys´ Committee (1981 to date).
Member of Cámara de Comercio Italia en la República Argentina (Argentine Italian Chamber of Commerce) (1986 - to date).
Trusted attorney of the Italian Embassy in Argentina (1990 to date).
Founder Member and President of AssoArgentina – Associazione Imprenditori Italiani in Argentina – Gruppo Italia (1991 to date).
Member of the Insurance Lawyers Club (1991 to date).
Member of the Board of the Argentine Association of Comparative Law (1993 to date).
Legal Representative of Simest S.p.A. (1994 to date).
Legal Representative of International Artsana S.A. (Chicco) (1998 to date).
Legal Representative of Artsana Spain (1998 to date).
Substitute Member of the Board of Segafredo Zanetti Argentina S.A. (2005 to date).
Legal Representative of Massimo Zanetti Beverage S.A. (2002 to date).
Trusted Attorney of the Swiss Embassy in Argentina (2002 to date).
President of the Board of Artsana Argentina S.A. (former Chicco Argentina S.A.) (2002 to date).
Legal Representative of Giacomini S.p.A. (2003 to date).
Member of the Board of Asociación Dante Alighieri of Buenos Aires (2004 to date).
Legal Representative of Segafredo Zanetti S.p.A. (2005 to date).
Legal Representative of Omicron Industriale S.R.L. (2005 to date).
Member of the Board of Cámara de Comercio Italiana en la República Argentina (Argentine Italian Chamber of Commerce) (2005 to date).
Legal Representative of Noemalife S.p.A. (2006 to date).
Legal Representative of Naba Carni (2006 to date).
President of the Board of Efesol S.A. (2007 to date).
Member of the Board of Cámara de Comercio Suizo Argentina (Swiss Argentine Chamber of Commerce) (2008 to date).
President of the Delegation of Buenos Aires of the Accademia Italiana della Cucina (2009 to date).
Legal Representative of Unitec S.P.A. (2009 to date).
Honorary member of de Club of Rome, Argentine Chapter (2010 to date).
Founder Member and Chairman of Fundación Expoterra - Expoterra Foundation (2010 to date).
Member of CARI`s (Consejo Argentino para las Relaciones Internacionales - Argentine Council for International Relationships) European Affairs Committee (2013 to date).
Legal Representative of Valtellina Centro America S.A. (2012 to date).
Legal Representative of Valtellina S.p.A. (2012 to date).
Consultant member of CARI´s (Consejo Argentino para las Relaciones Internacionales - Argentine Council for International Relationships) (2014 to date).
Trusted attorney of the Serbian Embassy in Argentina (1990 to date).
Substitute Member of the Board of Giacomini Latinoamérica S.A. (2003-2018).
Substitute Member of the Board of Costamar Agencia Marítima S.A. (2004-2016).
Member of the Board of Distribuidora de Gas del Centro S.A.(Italgas S.p.A. – Eni S.p.A.) (1992 - 2015).
Member of the Board of Inversora de Gas del Centro S.A (Italgas S.p.A. – Eni S.p.A.) (1992 - 2015).
Member of the Board of Distribuidora de Gas Cuyana S.A. (Italgas S.p.A. – Eni S.p.A.) (1992 - 2015).
Member of the Board of Inversora de Gas Cuyana S.A. (Italgas S.p.A. – Eni S.p.A.) (1992 - 2015).
Account Reviewer of Fundación Observatorio PyME (Techint/Siderca S.A.I.C., Alma Mater Studiorum - Università di Bologna, Unión Industrial Argentina – UIA –Union of Argentine Industrialists) (2005-2019).
Account Reviewer of Asociación de Amigos del Museo de Arte Moderno de Buenos Aires (Friends o the Museum of Modern Art) (1999-2018).
Vice-President of the Board of Fratelli Branca Destilerías S.A. (2014-2016).
Associate Member of Club of Rome (2008-2015).
Vicepresident of the Board of Saladero La Capital S.A. (1980-2014).
Legal Representative of Luxottica Argentina S.R.L. (2003-2009).
Member of the Commemorative Committee for the 80th Anniversary of Colon Theater
Permanent Artistic Staff (2005).
Member of the Board of Argencard S.A. (MASTERCARD) (1991-1995).
Alfredo R. Lisdero
Some personal informations
Alfredo Ricardo Lisdero.
Graduated from the Universidad de Buenos Aires (2001) as a Lawyer. Summa Cum Laude (2003).
Obtained a Master´s Degree in Administrative Law from Universidad Austral (2006).
Birth date: 1976-09-30.
Languages: Spanish (mother language), English (fluent), Italian (fluent).
Alfredo R. Lisdero joined Estudio Lisdero Law Firm in the year 2000 and focused on the areas of general counseling, private international law, foreign investments, arbitration, corporate law and public utilities.
Most relevant positions
Founder Member of Assoargentina - Associazione Imprenditori Italiani in Argentina – gruppo Italia (1991 to date).
Arbiter of CIAM (Centro Internacional de Arbitraje y Mediación Manuel Belgrano)
Member of the Argentine Association of Comparative Law.
Member of the Account Reviewing Commission of Fundación Observatorio Pyme (UIA-Union of Argentine Industrialists, Grupo Techint, Università di Bologna) (2005 - 2011).
Substitute Member of the Board of Segafredo Zanetti Argentina S.A. (2003-2011).
Member of the Board of Artsana Argentina S.A. (former Chicco Argentina S.A.) (2003-2011).
Substitute Syndic of Distribuidora de Gas Cuyana S.A. (2004-2005).
Substitute Syndic of Distribuidora de Gas del Centro S.A. (2004- 2005).
Substitute Syndic of Inversora de Gas del Centro S.A. (2004- 2005).

Ma. Agustina Pezzi
Some personal informations
María Agustina Pezzi
Graduated from the Universidad Argentina de la Empresa (UADE) in 2006 with a law degree.
Master´s Degree in Business Law at Escuela Superior de Economía y Administración de Empresas - ESEADE.
Birth date: 1984-01-06.
Languages: Spanish (mother language), Italian (fluent), English.
Ma. Agustina Pezzi is focused expecially on the areas of corporate law, foreign investments and general counseling.
From 2006 to 2009 she taught at the Universidad Argentina de la Empresa (UADE) in the following subjects:
-Corporations and partnerships.
-Corporate Law.
-Introduction to Law.
In 2017 she took part at the Conference Sociedad por Acciones Simplificada y Mecanismos de Financiamiento para Capital Emprededor.
During 2018 she attended the Programa Régimen Jurídico for Pymes, Ventures and Start-Ups at the Universidad Austral.
In 2019 she partecipated at the advanced programme in Acquisition of companies at the Universidad di Tella.
Most relevant positions
Substitute member of the Board of Artsana Argentina S.A. (former Chicco Argentina S.A.) (2009 to date).
Substitute Member of the Board of Prenatal Argentina S.A. (2011 - 2014).
Legal Representative of Valtellina Centro América S.A. (2011 to date).
Legal Representative of Valtellina S.p.A. (2011 to date).
Legal Representative of Kiian Inks Iberica S.R.L. (2011 to date).
Legal Representative of Kiian S.p.A. (2012 to date).
Substitute Member of the Board of Efesol S.A. (2013 to date).
Legal Representative of Dedalus S.p.A. (2010 - 2012).
Manager of Dedalus Argentina S.r.l. (2019 to date).
Substitute Member of the Board of Inversora de Gas Cuyana S.A. (ENI S.p.A.) (2012-2013).
Substitute Member of the Board of Fratelli Branca Destilerías S.A. (2014).

Gisela Isely
Some personal informations
Gisela Isely.
Graduated from the Universidad de Buenos Aires in 1996 with a law degree.
Birth date: 1970-03-08.
Languages: Spanish (mother language).
Gisela Isely is in charge of the litigation department. Her practice focuses on insurance law, tort law and labor law.
She obtained a specialization in corporate legal counseling from the Universidad de Buenos Aires (2005-2006).
Member of the Commission of Young Insurance Lawyers of the Insurance Lawyers´ Club.
Seminars and courses
She has participated in seminars and symposiums in her areas of practice. Some of them were:
Symposium on Insurance Law – Buenos Aires Stock Exchange.
Symposium on Insurance – Bar Association.
Seminar on medical malpractice - Bar Association.
Seminar on Creditors` Meetings and Bankruptcy – Universidad Austral.
Tort Law – Universidad de Buenos Aires.
Extraordinary remedies - Fundación de Estudios Superiores e Investigación.
Creditors` Meetings and Bankruptcy - Universidad Austral.
Seminar on Work Risks Law-ART - Universidad Austral.

Sonia Spampinato
Some personal informations
Sonia Cristina Spampinato.
Graduated from the Universidad de Belgrano in 1993 with a law degree.
Birth date: 1969-12-25.
Languages: Spanish (mother language).
Sonia Spampinato serves as an associate in the litigation department. Her practice focuses on banking law, insurance law and torts.
Acts as liaison between clients and our network of correspondents.
Seminars and courses
She has participated in seminars and symposiums in her areas of practice. Some of them were:
Analysis and management of conflicts. Negotiation, mediation and conciliation - Bar Association of San Isidro- Colegio Público de Abogados de San Isidro

Karina Quintela
Some personal informations
Sandra Karina Quintela
Graduated from the Universidad de Buenos Aires in 1997 with a law degree.
Birth date: 1969-10-13.
Languages: Spanish (mother language).
Karina Quintela serves in the litigation department. Her practice focuses on labor law, insurance law and tort law.
Seminars and courses
She has participated in seminars and symposiums in her areas of practice. Some of them were:
Specialization in Labor Law – Master´s Degree in Labor Law and International Labor Relations (Universidad de Tres de Febrero).
VII National Congress on Labor Law - SADL – Buenos Aires.
Seminar – Law on Legalization of Personnel.
Seminar on Severance Pay – Items covered by Layoff - Aggravated Severance Pay (Professional Council of Juridical Sciences-Consejo Profesional de Ciencias Jurídicas, 2007).
Seminar on Termination of Employment Relations - Organization of Lawyers of the Argentine Republic - Mutual de Abogados de la República Argentina.
Tort Law – Universidad de Buenos Aires.
Seminar on Work Risks Law – ART – Universidad Austral.

Yanina Segovia
Some personal informations
Yanina del Rosario Segovia.
Association of Lawyers of Buenos Aires. Course: “The performance of the lawyer at the General Inspectorate of Justice (IGJ)” (2014).
Birth date: 1987-04-07.
Languages: Spanish (mother language), Italian (fluent), English (intermediate).
Yanina Segovia works in the organization, coordination and implementation in the areas of corporate law, contractual law, foreign investment and general advice before private and government agencies, e.g. Inspección General de Justicia (IGJ) [public register of commerce for Buenos Aires city corporations], Dirección Provincial de Personas Jurídicas (DPPJ) [public register of commerce for `the Province of Buenos Aires corporations], other public register of commerce, Federal Tax Bureau, Buenos Aires city Tax Bureau, Ministry of Foreign Affairs, Ministry of Economy, Ministry of Trade, migration, validation, certifications, authorizations, registrations, translations, representations.

Carlos F. Oteiza Aguirre
Some personal informations
Carlos Francisco Oteiza Aguirre.
Graduated from the Universidad de Buenos Aires in 1981 as a Lawyer. Academy of International Law, Dallas Texas, 1985. Training program for lawyers organized by the Southwestern Legal Foundation (1984).
Birth date: 1957-09-06.
Languages: Spanish (mother language), English (fluent), French (upper –intermediate), Portuguese (upper - intermediate).
Carlos F. Oteiza Aguirre focuses his practice on corporate finance and capital markets, corporate governance regulation, commercial law, corporate law, banking law, privatizations, foreign investment, project financing, commercial and business contracts and other related issues and has broad experience structuring the legal organization and financial structuring of local and international ventures.. He has also served as board member and syndic in several major businesses.
Of Counsel for Estudio Lisdero Law Firm.
He serves as advisor to major companies and has taken part in the board of directors and statutory audit committees of many companies. He also provides advice to several local and international agro industrial family-owned businesses. He served as foreign associate at Milbank, Tweed, Hadley and Mc. Cloy (New York, N.Y.) in 1985 and at Kelley, Drye and Warren (New York, N.Y.) in 1986.
He is a partner at OCCM ABOGADOS (2009 to date). He was a partner in Estudio O’Farrell (1993- 2006) and served as director of the Finance Law and Capital Markets department.
Financial Law and Capital Markets
Advising clients on the issuance and public placement of bonds and other debt securities in domestic and international markets, issuance of commercial papers, financial trusts, initial public placements of shares in the international market, secondary offerings. Issuance and placement of shares in domestic and foreign markets. Securitization, derivatives and other structures. Responsible for the preparation of placement prospectuses in domestic and foreign markets, including regulatory description of the areas involved (telecommunications, electric power, toll highways, other), business development, relevant issues, competition and its evolution, legal risks, transparency. He developed an ability to work in coordination with in-house and and international advisors.
Over-the-counter and exchange trading. Assisting clients to create and implement market agents, brokerage agents and firms, financial institutions and agents. Providing advice in legislative emergency-related issues, pesification, devaluation and financial impact during recent local crises.
Providing advice in operations with financial derivatives in domestic and foreign markets.
Advising clients with respect to financial regulations on the operation, opening and liquidation of financial institutions and representative offices.
Leading work teams involved in the restructuring of complex corporate debt, including banking and capital market debt placed in the country and abroad.
Judicial aspects, creditors´ meetings and Court-supervised arrangements with creditors.
Restructuring within the context of Argentina´s financial crises.
Advisor in the bidding process of the following privatizations, in areas of Shareholders´ agreements, preparation of biddings, analysis and instrumentation of the financial and corporate structure of the purchasing company, negotiation of Transfer Agreement with the Argentine government Analysis of bid specifications, for the following companies:
Telefónica de Argentina, TRANSENER (High-Voltage Electric Power Transmission Company) Hydroelectric Power Plant Piedra del Águila. Other privatizations not awarded to clients.
Social Security System
Advising international clients on the project to create AFJPs (Pension Fund Administrators) and the alternatives. Legal requirements for international retirement systems and insurance.
Project Finance
Guiding clients in the implementation of projects and the guarantees thereof in areas such as oil, highway privatization, oil pipeline and international bridge
construction, and advise for the contracting of the construction of governmental buildings and facilities. Financing of mining projects, including financing structures for foreign partners with project guarantees and their security structure.
M & A- Corporate Reorganization and Purchase of Companies
Negotiation and legal analysis of alternatives for the sale and purchase of local industrial and service companies by foreign investors.
Representation of sellers in M&A with local or foreign buyers, with or without participation of foreign legal advisors and multidisciplinary teams.
Mergers and reorganizations in international groups, anti-trust law, capital market and regulatory requirements.
Establishment of CAC China investments (agrochemicals) and setting up its affiliate in Argentina, start-upadvisory and registration of products with SENASA.
Reorganization of family owned assets and companies, providing advice in connection with company restructuring, splitting of assets and liabilities and other alternatives..
Board of Directors and Corporate Experience
Member of board of directors and statutory audit committees (Telefónica Group, Transener and affiliates, Village Cinemas, Gas Natural, Ancap Group, Piedra del Águila, Central Térmica Guemes, Agrocac SRL, CAC China), among others. Co-founder of a farming microbusiness.
Other activities
Member of Stock Exchange. (Bolsa de Comercio de Buenos Aires) (2001-to date).
Secretary to the board of the Chamber of Corporations (Cámara de Sociedades Anónimas). Executive Director (2013- to date).
Resident of FORES (Foro de Estudios sobre la Administración de Justicia) (2008- 2010).
Member of the International Bar Association (IBA) (1994-2006).
Lecturer in Seminars and Congresses held in Argentina and abroad on finance and capital markets, foreign investments and privatizations.
Member of the Buenos Aires Stock Exchange and its Securities
Committeee ( Comisión de Titulos de la Bolsa de Comercio).